
Milking the residues: molecular and isotope signals from human prehistory

Le 10 juillet, dans le cadre de la 4ème Réunion des Géochimistes Organiciens Français, le professeur Richard Evershed donnera à Villeurbanne une conférence en anglais sur “Milking the residues : molecular and isotope signals from human prehistory”.

Résumé :
The value of archaeological pottery has been substantially expanded in the last two decades or so with the realisation that unglazed porous ceramic fabric provides an exceptional repository of biomolecular and stable isotope information. The major chemical components absorbed and preserved are lipids, raising numerous possibilities for reconstructing past food acquisition and dietary habits, ritual practices and technological activities. At Old World sites degraded animal fats are by far the most common class of organic residue encountered. Intensive investigation of these residues are providing a range of critical new insights into the ways early farmers managed their stock and how prehistoric people were able to consume milk products despite being lactose intolerant.

Intervenant :
Richard Evershed de l'Université de Bristol
Où : Campus Lyon Tech la DOUA, Villeurbanne, amphi Polytech
Pour qui : public averti

Conférence en anglais

Entrée gratuite sans inscription

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